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What We Provide at OPLUS Heart Centre, Amritsar

This is an FDA-approved, non-invasive alternative to bypass surgery in the United States. In this treatment, a specialized EECP machine is used to open dormant heart tubes known as Collaterals in patients. A minimum of 40 one-hour sessions is required for optimal results. Enhanced External Counter Pulsation (EECP) is a non-invasive method employed to reduce the frequency and severity of angina attacks. This treatment involves the use of three sets of external inflatable cuffs placed around the buttocks, upper legs, and lower legs. These cuffs expand and contract continuously to enhance blood flow back to the heart during the resting phase of the heartbeat.

The primary objective of EECP therapy is to increase the volume of blood returning to the heart. This, in turn, allows the heart to supply more oxygen to areas that have been deprived of it. The greater oxygen availability enhances the efficiency of the heart and reduces chest pain.

EECP Treatment in Amritsar

Why Choose EECP & No To Bypass Surgery?

EECP stands as the sole non-surgical treatment currently available for the reversal of Coronary Artery Disease.

Benefits of EECP (Enhanced External Counter Pulsation )

  • Increment in energy
  • Helps the patient to walk more distance without feeling any chest pain.
  • Chest Pain decreases (angina pectoris)
  • Heart Failure improves
  • A cost-effective treatment that doesn’t demand a hospital stay or surgery.
  • Reduction in hypertension/high blood pressure.
  • Simple, safe, and risk-free treatment.
  • Helps to treat unstable angina.
  • Has long-lasting effects for up to 2 years.
  • Cure heart blockages effectively and safely.
  • Multiplies blood flow.
  • Won’t disturb the patient’s daily life routine.
  • Build up stamina and endurance.
  • Enhanced exercise duration.
  • Amplifies restful sleep.

What conditions can EECP therapy treat



EECP treatment provides the best angina treatment described as pressure, heaviness, tightness or pain in your chest.

Low Heart PumpingLow Heart Pumping

Low Heart Pumping

EECP provides low heart pumping treatment If the heart rate is less than 60, face conditions such as fainting, dizziness and pain in the heart.

Chest PainChest Pain

Chest Pain

EECP helps decrease the symptoms of chest pain and provide the pain free life.

High CholestrolHigh Cholestrol

High Cholestrol

EECP therapy provide the eefctive high cholesterol treatment so the patient has a ggod and health life.

Poor Heart FunctionPoor Heart Function

Poor Heart Function

With the help of EECP therapy you can control the poor heart functioning and get the stable pulse and health life.

Heart FailureHeart Failure

Heart Failure

With EECP you can get the proper treatment of heart failure include symptoms such as tiredness, sudden weight gain, Irregular pulse.

Heart BlockageHeart Blockage

Heart Blockage

EECP may be an option when all other treatments have failed to relieve persistent symptoms of heart blockage.



EECP reverses arterial stiffness and helps normalize hypertension with increased secretion of nitric oxide.


Why Choose EECP, Eligibility Criteria for EECP?

If you’ve been dealing with angina and are exploring additional treatment options, non-invasive bypass surgery is an excellent choice and you may be eligible for it. Alternatively, if you require treatment but wish to steer clear of surgery, EECP therapy is a viable option. Moreover, it’s essential to consider the following criteria to assess your eligibility:

These individuals:

  • Do not meet the criteria for invasive procedures such as surgery.
  • Face a heightened risk due to concurrent medical conditions.
  • No longer find relief through medication.
  • Encounter recurring symptoms after undergoing invasive procedures like angioplasty, stenting, or bypass surgery.
  • Have a condition that renders surgery either impossible or significantly jeopardizes postoperative success and surgical complications.
  • Suffer from persistent chest pressure or pain that varies with stress or physical exertion.
  • Possess coronary anatomy that complicates such treatments.
Best EECP Centre in Amritsar

Best EECP Centre in Amritsar

Cost Effective

Cost Effective

No Negative Effects

No Negative Effects

Operation Free

Operation Free

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