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Patiala Branch

About EECP Treatment in Patiala

EECP (Enhanced External Counterpulsation) treatment is a non-invasive therapy used to treat various forms of heart disease. During the procedure, patients lay on a table while inflated cuffs around their lower legs are pumped with blood at timed intervals. As the cuffs squeeze and release, the flow of blood increases throughout the body including in and around the heart, helping it to become stronger and work more efficiently. The improved oxygen supply helps open up blocked arteries, reducing chest pain, and improving stamina and energy levels. Additionally, EECP also stimulates the production of natural substances like nitric oxide which give greater protection to artery walls and relaxation of coronary artery walls which ultimately reduces chest pain and shortness of breath caused by angina or other coronal diseases.

EECP Therapy is a non-invasive medical treatment used to treat severe heart disease. It helps improve blood flow and oxygen delivery to the heart, increasing blood circulation and reducing chest pain. EECP Therapy remains one of the best alternatives for treating those with serious heart conditions who don’t qualify for other forms of intervention.


Who Is Eligible for ECP Treatment?

In order to qualify for EECP, individuals must first undergo an evaluation with a qualified cardiologist. Generally speaking, those who are most likely to benefit from the procedure are those with chest pain or other symptoms related to blocked arteries that have not responded positively to other treatments, such as medications or lifestyle modifications. Additionally, patients must also be healthy enough in order to withstand receiving up to three hours of sessions five times per week for seven weeks straight.

EECP Treatment in Patiala is suited for treating heart patients who:

  • Have chronic stable angina
  • Do not get relief from medications such as nitrates, calcium channel blockers, and beta-blockers
  • Are deemed unfit for invasive procedures like angioplasty, stent, or bypass surgery.

What conditions can EECP therapy treat



EECP treatment provides the best angina treatment described as pressure, heaviness, tightness or pain in your chest.

Low Heart PumpingLow Heart Pumping

Low Heart Pumping

EECP provides low heart pumping treatment If the heart rate is less than 60, face conditions such as fainting, dizziness and pain in the heart.

Chest PainChest Pain

Chest Pain

EECP helps decrease the symptoms of chest pain and provide the pain free life.

High CholestrolHigh Cholestrol

High Cholestrol

EECP therapy provide the eefctive high cholesterol treatment so the patient has a ggod and health life.

Poor Heart FunctionPoor Heart Function

Poor Heart Function

With the help of EECP therapy you can control the poor heart functioning and get the stable pulse and health life.

Heart FailureHeart Failure

Heart Failure

With EECP you can get the proper treatment of heart failure include symptoms such as tiredness, sudden weight gain, Irregular pulse.

Heart BlockageHeart Blockage

Heart Blockage

EECP may be an option when all other treatments have failed to relieve persistent symptoms of heart blockage.



EECP reverses arterial stiffness and helps normalize hypertension with increased secretion of nitric oxide.


Why Choose EECP Treatment Centre in Patiala?

EECP helps reduce fatigue, muscle tension, chest pain, shortness of breath, and other negative symptoms associated with coronary artery disease. The procedure also increases the blood flow to your heart (and elsewhere in your body), thus helping to improve overall health and well-being. Finally, EECP is extremely safe and has been proven in clinical trials to be effective when combined with a healthy lifestyle of diet and exercise. All of this makes it an excellent choice for anyone looking to manage their cardiovascular problems without risk or surgery.

Oplus Heart Center is a leading EECP treatment center in Patiala providing EECP treatment. EECP is a unique and worry-free cardiac therapy for Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) without surgery. Good hygiene and a comfortable environment are our top priorities along with the treatment of our patients. We conduct the most comprehensive cardiac rehabilitation and reversal programs to prevent and reverse heart diseases.

Best EECP Centre in Patiala

Best EECP Centre in Patiala

Cost Effective

Cost Effective

No Negative Effects

No Negative Effects

Operation Free

Operation Free

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