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Can EECP Remove Plaque?

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Can EECP Remove Plaque?
  • 20 August 2024

Can EECP Remove Plaque: Heart diseases, particularly those related to blocked arteries, have become increasingly common worldwide. One major concern is the buildup of plaque in the arteries, which can lead to life-threatening conditions like heart attacks or strokes. Traditionally, treatments such as angioplasty or bypass surgery have been the go-to solutions.

However, a non-invasive alternative known as Enhanced External Counterpulsation (EECP) therapy has gained attention as a possible way to improve heart health without surgery. But can EECP actually remove plaque from the arteries?

In this blog, we’ll explore this question and discuss why Oplus Heart Centre is a top choice for EECP therapy.

Understanding Plaque and Its Dangers

Before delving into how EECP works, it’s crucial to understand what plaque is and how it affects the heart. Plaque is a sticky substance made up of fat, cholesterol, calcium, and other substances found in the blood. Over time, plaque can harden and narrow the arteries, limiting blood flow to the heart. This condition is known as atherosclerosis and is a leading cause of coronary artery disease (CAD).

When arteries become clogged with plaque, the heart has to work harder to pump blood, leading to chest pain (angina) and shortness of breath. If a plaque rupture occurs, it can trigger the formation of a blood clot, potentially causing a heart attack.

What is EECP Therapy?

Enhanced External Counterpulsation (EECP) is a non-invasive therapy aimed at improving blood flow and enhancing heart function. During the procedure, cuffs are wrapped around the patient’s lower body, including the legs and thighs. These cuffs inflate and deflate in sync with the heartbeat, compressing blood vessels and boosting circulation. The rhythmic squeezing improves blood flow to the coronary arteries, promoting natural bypasses (collateral circulation) around blocked arteries.

EECP is typically recommended for patients with chronic angina or those who are not candidates for traditional heart procedures like angioplasty or bypass surgery. The treatment is usually administered over a period of several weeks, with each session lasting about one hour.

Can EECP Remove Plaque?

One of the common questions patients ask is whether EECP can remove plaque from the arteries. The short answer is no—EECP does not directly remove plaque. However, this doesn’t mean that EECP is not beneficial for heart health. Let’s break down how EECP helps improve cardiovascular function:

Improved Blood Flow: EECP therapy increases blood flow to the heart by encouraging the development of collateral circulation. These natural bypasses help blood flow around blocked or narrowed arteries, improving oxygen supply to heart tissues.

Reduction of Symptoms: Although EECP does not remove plaque, it can significantly reduce symptoms of angina by improving blood flow and reducing the heart’s workload. Many patients experience fewer episodes of chest pain and an improved quality of life after completing EECP therapy.

Enhanced Oxygen Delivery: The enhanced circulation achieved through EECP improves oxygen delivery to areas of the heart that are starved due to reduced blood flow. This can lead to better heart function over time.

Stabilization of Plaque: While EECP does not directly remove plaque, it may contribute to the stabilization of existing plaque. Stable plaque is less likely to rupture, thereby reducing the risk of a heart attack.

How EECP Complements Other Treatments?

While EECP does not remove plaque, it works effectively in conjunction with other treatments for heart disease. Here’s how:

Lifestyle Changes: Along with EECP, adopting a heart-healthy lifestyle is critical. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats can help prevent further plaque buildup. Regular exercise, quitting smoking, and managing stress also play a role in improving cardiovascular health.

Medications: Many patients undergoing EECP are also on medications like statins, which help lower cholesterol and reduce plaque buildup. Combined with the enhanced blood flow from EECP, medications can lead to better outcomes.

Alternative Procedures: For some patients, EECP serves as a bridge to more invasive treatments or as a supplemental therapy to enhance the results of procedures like stenting or bypass surgery.

Why Choose Oplus Heart Centre for EECP Therapy?

If you’re considering EECP therapy, the Oplus Heart Centre is a top-rated facility known for its expert care and patient-centered approach. Here’s why Oplus Heart Centre stands out:

Experienced Cardiologists: The Oplus Heart Centre is staffed by leading cardiologists who specialize in non-invasive therapies like EECP. They will carefully evaluate your condition and create a personalized treatment plan tailored to your needs.

State-of-the-Art Facilities: The center is equipped with the latest technology to provide the highest standard of EECP therapy. The comfortable and welcoming environment ensures a stress-free experience during each session.

Holistic Care Approach: At Oplus Heart Centre, EECP therapy is integrated into a holistic care plan that includes nutritional counseling, lifestyle modification, and continuous monitoring of your heart health.

Patient Education and Support: Understanding your treatment is crucial. The staff at Oplus Heart Centre ensures that you are fully informed about how EECP works and what to expect during and after your therapy. Continuous support is provided throughout your journey to better heart health.

Proven Results: Oplus Heart Centre has a track record of successful outcomes with EECP therapy. Many patients have reported significant relief from angina symptoms and improvements in their daily lives after completing their treatment program.

Who Can Benefit from EECP at Oplus Heart Centre?

EECP therapy is ideal for patients who suffer from chronic stable angina and are not suitable candidates for invasive procedures. It is also beneficial for patients who want to avoid surgery or are seeking an additional treatment to complement their existing regimen.


While EECP therapy does not remove plaque from the arteries, it plays a crucial role in improving heart health by enhancing blood flow and reducing symptoms associated with blocked arteries. Through its non-invasive approach, EECP offers a promising alternative for those looking to manage heart disease without surgery.

At Oplus Heart Centre, you can receive world-class EECP therapy guided by a team of expert cardiologists who prioritize your well-being. Whether you’re dealing with chronic angina or simply exploring non-invasive heart treatments, Oplus Heart Centre provides the care and expertise you need to achieve better heart health.

Take the first step towards a healthier heart today. Visit Oplus Heart Centre and learn more about how EECP therapy can help you live a life free from the constraints of heart disease.

Also Read:

What is EECP Used For?

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