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EECP Advantage Over Bypass Surgery And Angioplasty

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EECP Advantage Over Bypass Surgery And Angioplasty
  • 29 June 2023

EECP Advantage Over Bypass Surgery And Angioplasty: EECP (Enhanced External Counterpulsation) is a non-invasive treatment for heart disease that offers several advantages over bypass surgery and angioplasty.

Here are the advantages of EECP in comparison to surgical procedures:

EECP Advantage Over Bypass Surgery And Angioplasty

  1. Comprehensive heart and vascular system care: EECP treatment focuses on improving the overall well-being of the heart and the entire vascular system. Unlike surgery, which is a localized procedure, EECP provides holistic benefits.
  2. Outpatient procedure: EECP is performed on an outpatient basis, which means there is no need for hospitalization. Patients can undergo the procedure and return home the same day.
  3. Non-invasive and no risk of infection: EECP is a non-invasive procedure, reducing the risk of infection compared to surgical interventions. It does not involve any incisions or insertion of foreign objects into the body.
  4. No bleeding or blood clot risks: Since there are no incisions or invasive procedures involved in EECP, there is no risk of bleeding or blood clots.
  5. No downtime: EECP sessions are walk-in and walk-out procedures, meaning there is no significant recovery period or downtime required after each session.
  6. No anesthesia or pain: Unlike surgeries that require anesthesia, EECP procedures do not involve the administration of anesthesia. Additionally, the treatment itself is painless and well-tolerated by patients.
  7. No adverse side effects: EECP does not have any known adverse side effects and does not affect other organs or parts of the body. It is a safe treatment option for individuals with heart disease.
  8. Minimal risk of complications: EECP is an external procedure that uses mechanical means, reducing the risk of complications compared to surgical interventions.
  9. No additional medication required: Unlike surgical procedures, EECP does not require the patient to take additional or separate medications. It is a standalone treatment.
  10. Scientifically proven and well-documented: The benefits of EECP have been scientifically studied and documented worldwide, providing evidence of its effectiveness in improving heart health.
  11. No recuperation time: EECP does not require a specific recuperation period. Patients can resume their daily activities immediately after the treatment.
  12. Cost-effective: While offering similar relief to bypass surgery and angioplasty, EECP procedures are generally more cost-effective. Surgical procedures can be expensive due to the complexity and specialized resources involved.
  13. Lower risk of complications: Surgical procedures such as bypass surgery and angioplasty require delicate precision and carry a higher risk of complications. EECP can be a safer alternative.
  14. Avoidance of extensive preparation and post-recovery requirements: Bypass surgery and balloon angioplasty with a stent often require extensive preparation and adherence to specific guidelines during the recovery period. EECP procedures can help avoid these additional requirements.

Visit the Oplus Heart Centre:

Oplus heart centre in India is one of the most famous EECP therapy centre and renowned facilities in the world for treating heart disease. The center has been helping people with heart disease for years and has a success rate that is unmatched anywhere else in the world.

This heart care center uses a unique form of treatment called EECP (external counterpulsation) to treat heart disease. This form of treatment is relatively new but has been shown to be incredibly effective in treating heart disease.

The Oplus heart care center has a team of the best doctors who are helping their patients improve their health and quality of life. If you or someone you love is suffering from heart disease, we urge you to contact the Oplus heart care center and learn more about their unique and effective form of treatment.

In summary, EECP provides a non-invasive, safe, and effective alternative to bypass surgery and angioplasty. It offers comprehensive benefits for the heart and vascular system, eliminates the need for hospitalization, reduces the risk of complications, and is a cost-effective treatment option.

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EECP Treatment For Weight Loss

EECP Treatment for Blood Pressure: A Non-Invasive Solution

EECP Treatment for Diabetes: An Effective Non-Invasive Therapy


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