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EECP Therapy: The Best Approach to Treating Heart Disease.

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EECP Therapy: The Best Approach to Treating Heart Disease.
  • 8 November 2022

EECP therapy is a unique approach to improving proper blood flow and treating long-term symptoms of heart disease. This therapy uses external counterpulsation, or ECP, to help the heart pump more blood efficiently. The treatment is painless and typically lasts for one hour. EECP is an effective treatment for heart disease and is in use to successfully treat patients with heart failure, coronary artery disease, and cardiomyopathies.

What is EECP Treatment?

EECP treatment is a medical therapy in use to improve blood flow in people with coronary artery disease. The treatment consists of a device that applies pressure to the legs and trunk while the person is lying down. This pressure forces the blood in the arteries to flow in the opposite direction, which increases blood flow to the heart. EECP treatment is typically in consideration three times a week for a period of six to twelve weeks.

How does EECP Therapy work?

EECP therapy is a non-invasive, external treatment that uses a mechanical device to compress the lower extremities in a sequential manner. This compression and relaxation of the muscles increases blood flow and encourages the release of nitric oxide, which his beneficial for cardiac health. EECP therapy typically requires a series of treatments over a period of several weeks in order to be effective, and patients typically report feeling more energetic and experiencing improvement in cardiovascular health after completing the therapy.

How effective is EECP therapy?

EECP therapy is a treatment that uses electrical stimulation to improve blood flow to the heart. The therapy is typically in use to treat patients with coronary artery disease, heart failure, or angina. A review of studies on EECP therapy mentions that the therapy is effective at improving exercise tolerance and quality of life in patients with coronary artery disease. The therapy also effectively reduces heart failure symptoms and improves survival rates in patients with heart failure. In addition, EECP therapy is effective at reducing angina symptoms and improving the quality of life in patients with angina.

Conditions treatable with EECP therapy:

EECP therapy is most often used to treat coronary artery disease, but it can also be used to treat other conditions. These include congestive heart failure, angina, irregular heartbeat, and blood clots. The therapy involves using a machine to deliver electrical impulses to the patient’s legs. These impulses help improve blood flow to the heart and can often improve the patient’s condition.

Who should receive EECP Therapy Treatment?

EECP is most commonly used to treat angina. But it may also be effective for treating other conditions, such as congestive heart failure, certain types of cardiomyopathy, and some circulation disorders.

It is usually considered for people who have angina that is not well-controlled with other treatments, such as medication, lifestyle changes, and surgery. This may also be an option for people who cannot have angina surgery or who have had angina surgery but still have symptoms.

Benefits of EECP include:

There are several benefits of EECP. These are:-

  1. Reduced chest pain
  2. Improved quality of life
  3. Reduced dependence on angina medication
  4. Reduced need for angina surgery
  5. Improved exercise tolerance
  6. Reduced risk of heart attack

Know More:

What are the benefits of EECP for Heart Disease?

Whom to Approach?

EECP is an effective treatment for heart-related issues. It improves blood flow and reduces heart-related symptoms. It is a safe and effective treatment option for those with heart-related issues.

If you are looking for a place to receive EECP treatment in India, the Oplus Heart Center is a great option. The staff is highly skilled and experienced in providing this type of therapy. They will work with you to create a custom treatment plan that meets your specific needs. The center is also clean and comfortable and features state-of-the-art equipment, which ensures that you will receive the highest quality of care possible.

Also, Read This:

Say No To Bypass Surgery With EECP Treatment!

What is EECP treatment, how it helps in heart disease treatment?

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